Friday, March 14, 2008

marchin one year later

happy endings really do happen. i remember it very clearly: the frustration, the anger, the confusion, the regret and most of all, the disappointment. last year's run at our senior project wasn't a walk in the park --- and yeah, it really WAS a RUN. we had to beat deadlines, do defense after defense, and just about anything to save our asses from re-enrolling that life-chaging subject and NOT graduating. i realized then that it was our fault in the first place for not starting our project early. i was a carefree, no-worries-in-the-world kind of guy. well, that's all changed. mind you, i'm still a carefree, no-worries-in-the-world kind of guy but with a little bit extra - i have God by my side now.

i remember a text that my friend sent me, "...remember a delay is not a denial from God; at his own time, He will make all things beautiful. i guess it really takes faith, not just conventional faith but genuine faith in God. We can't always have what we want when we want it. we just have to wait coz in the end, God will give us more than we could ever imagine.

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